Overbrook Passive House

Overbrook Passive House Deck Wood Sun Shading Metal Siding
Overbrook Passive House Metal Siding Screen Porch
Overbrook Passive House Driveway Screen Porch Entry

Overbrook Passive House

Square Footage 1608 (heated)

Location Greenville, SC

Overbrook Passive House is a conceptual project designed to the Passive House Institute of the United States’ (Phius) rigorous standards in order to create a home that minimizes energy use and maximizes durability and occupant comfort. The unique form allows the entry porch and screen porch at the front of the home to remain aligned with the street while the longest façade is elongated on the east / west axis to provide plenty of natural light throughout the day and solar heat gain during the winter. A shading device and deep roof overhang mitigate the direct sunlight during the summer months when the sun is higher in the sky. Openings on the north, east and west facades are kept to a minimum to reduce heat loss in the winter and heat gain during the summer.

A compact, simple form was used to make air sealing easier and to minimize façade surfaces, reducing the exposure of the house to heat gain and loss. Efficiency in the plan keeps square footage to a minimum, creating an inherently more sustainable home.